Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings Papers
Juang, P. and M. Kacira. 2014. System dynamics of a photovoltaic integrated greenhouse. ActaHorticulturae, 1037: 99-104.
Story, D. and M. Kacira. 2014. Automated machine vision guided plant monitoring system for greenhouse crop diagnostics. ActaHorticulturae, 1037: 635-641.
Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, J. Flores-Velazquez. 2014. Comparative performance of a greenhouse cooling strategy with natural ventilation and fogging under different outside climates. ActaHorticulturae, 1037: 57-64.
Bartzanas, T., M. Kacira, T. Boulard, J. C. Roy, H. Fatnassi, P. E. Bournet, N. Katsoulas, C. Kittas. 2014. The use of user define functions in CFD simulations for greenhouse environment. ActaHorticulture, 1037 (In Press) (Invited Oral Presentation, GreenSys 2013, Jeju, S. Korea)
Fatnassi, H., T. Boulard, T. Bartzanas, N. Katsoulas, M. Kacira and C. Poncet. 2014. CFD modeling of microclimate in the leaf boundary layer, ecological niche of pests. ActaHorticulturae, 1037: 1027-1034.
Kittas, C., N. Katsoulas, N. Tsiropoulos, T. Bartzanas, M. Kacira. 2014. Exposure of greenhouse workers to pesticide. ActaHorticulturae, 1037 (In Press)
Ishii, M., L. Okushima, H. Moriyama, S. Sase, T. Takakura, M. Kacira. 2014. Effects of natural ventilation rate on temperature and relative humidity in a naturally ventilated greenhouse with high pressure fogging system. ActaHorticulturae, 1037: 1127-1132.
Tamimi, E. and M. Kacira. 2012. Analysis of climate uniformity in a naturally vented greenhouse equipped with high pressure fogging system using CFD. ActaHorticulturae, 1008: 177-183.
Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodríguez, G. A. Giacomelli, C. Kubota. 2012. A climate control strategy for naturally ventilated greenhouse with variable high pressure fogging: Evaluating energy and water savings, climate uniformity. Proc. of CIGR-AgEng 2012 International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Valencia, Spain, pp. C-1378
Giacomelli, G., G. Boscheri, R. Furfaro, M. Kacira, C. Lobascio, L. Patterson, P. Sadler, M. Pirolli, R. Remiddi, D. Story, M. Thangavelu, M. Catalina. 2012. Bio-regenerative Life Support System Development for Lunar/Mars Habitats. 42nd Int. Conf. on Environmental Systems, July 15-19, San Diego, California.
Kacira, M., G. Giacomelli, R.L. Patterson, R. Furfaro, P.D. Sadler, G. Boscheri, C. Lobascio, M. Lamantea, R.M. Wheeler, and S. Rossignoli. 2012. System dynamics and performance factors of UA-CEAC lunar greenhouse prototype bioregenerative life support system. ActaHorticulturae, 952: 575-582.
Villarreal-Guerrero, F., M. Kacira, E. Fitz-Rodriguez, G. Giacomelli, C. Kubota, R. Linker, and A. Arbel . 2012. Simulation of fixed and variable pressure fogging in naturally ventilated greenhouse, water and energy savings and stability of climate. ActaHorticulturae, 952: 37-44.
Fitz-Rodr?guez, E., M. Kacira, F. Villarreal-Guerrero, G.A. Giacomelli, R. Linker, C. Kubota, A. Arbel. 2012. Neural network predictive control in a naturally ventilated and fog cooled greenhouse. ActaHorticulturae,952: 45-52.
Patterson, R. L., G.A. Giacomelli, M. Kacira, P.D. Sadler, R.M. Wheeler, , and. 2012. Description, operation and production of the South Pole food growth chamber. ActaHorticulturae, 952:589-596.
Story, D., M. Kacira, C. Kubota and A. Akoglu. 2011. Morphological and textural plant feature detection using machine vision for intelligent plant health, growth and quality monitoring. ActaHorticulturae, 893: 299-306.
Sadler, P., G. Giacomelli, L. Patterson, M. Kacira, R. Furfaro, C. Lobascio, G. Boscheri, M. Lamantea, L. Grizzaffi, S. Rossignoli, M. Prirolli, and S. DePascale. 2011. Bio-regenerative life support systems for space surface applications. Proc. of 41th Int. Conf. on Environmental Systems: Towards permanent Lunar habitation: The Journey continues. Paper No: AIAA-2011-5133.
Baeza, E., J. P. Parra, J. C. López, J. C. Gázquez, M. Kacira, J. I. Montero. 2011. Validation of CFD simulations for three dimensional temperature distributions of a naturally ventilated multispan greenhouse obtained by wind tunnel measurements. ActaHorticulturae, 893: 571-579.
Boscheri, G., R. Furfaro, G. Giacomelli, L. Grizzaffi, M. Kacira, M. Lamantea, C. Lobascio, L. Patterson, and P. Sadler. 2010. Evaluation of bio-regenerative life support systems in the frame of a concurrent international cooperation. The 40th Int. Conf. on Environmental Systems, Barcelona, Spain. Paper No. AIAA-2010-6202.
Sadler, P., G. Giacomelli, R. Furfaro, L. Patterson and M. Kacira. 2009. Prototype BLSS lunar greenhouse. Proc. of 39th Int. Conf. on Environmental Systems: Towards permanent Lunar habitation: The Journey continues. Paper No: 2009-01-2484.
Kacira, M., S. Sase, A. Ikeguchi, M. Ishii, G. Giacomelli and N. Sabeh. 2008. Effect of vent configuration and wind speed on three dimensional temperature distributions in a naturally ventilated multi-span greenhouse by wind tunnel experiments. ActaHorticulturae, 801: 393-401.
Kacira, M., A. Bascetincelik, H.H. Ozturk, D. Kaya, K. Ekinci and C. Karaca. 2006. Renewable energy potential and sustainable use in GAP region. Proc. of 1st Int. Conf. on Sustainable and New Technologies for Agricultural Production in GAP Region: 78-93.
Ozturk, H. H., A. Hepbasli, C. Akdeniz, H. Bulut, A. S. Duran and M. Kacira. 2006. Investigation of the exergy of solar radiation for the Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey. Proc. of the 5th GAP Engineering Conf., Harran University, Turkey: 95-103.
Kacira, M., S. Sase, A. Ikeguchi, M. Ishii and L. Okushima. 2005. Determining temperature and airflow distributions in a naturally ventilated multi-span greenhouse by wind tunnel experiments and CFD analysis. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Research Highlights and Vanguard Technology on Environmental Engineering in Agricultural Systems (IC-RVEA), Kanazawa, Japan. Vol (Supplement 2): pp IC14-1. (Invited)
Basçetinçelik, A., C. Karaca, H.H. Oztürk, M. Kacira and K. Ekinci. 2005. Agricultural biomass potential in Turkey. Proc. of the 9th Int. Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture & 27th International Conference of CIGR Section IV: The Efficient Use of Electricity and Renewable Energy Sources in Agriculture: 195-199, Sep.27-29, 2005, Izmir-Turkey.
Basçetinçelik, A., C. Karaca, H.H. Oztürk, M. Kacira and K. Ekinci. 2005. Regional distribution of agricultural biomass potential in Turkey. Proc. of the 9th Int. Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture & 27th International Conference of CIGR Section IV: The Efficient Use of Electricity and Renewable Energy Sources in Agriculture, Sep.27-29, Izmir-Turkey: 365-369
Sase, S., M. Kacira, L. Okushima, M. Ishii, H. Moriyama and H. Kowata. 2004. Cooling greenhouses under natural ventilation. Proc. of Int. Workshop on Environmental Control and Structural Design for Protected Cultivation, Suwon City, Korea: 21-27.
Moriyama, H., S. Sase, A. Ikeguchi, M. Ishii, M. Kacira and H. Kowata. 2004. Engineering analysis of the greenhouse structures damaged by Typhoon 0221 in Japan. Proc. of CIGR Int. Conf.: Olympics of Agricultural Engineering. Beijing, China.
Chen Y., P. P. Ling and M. Kacira. 2002. Let plants say what they need: Plant-response-based portable water stress monitoring system for greenhouse plant production. Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy Conference, Kusadasi, Turkey: 297-303.
Kacira, M., P. P. Ling and T. H. Short. 2000. Plant water stress detection using machine vision extracted plant movement. Presented at the Annual and International Meeting of American Society for Agricultural Engineers, Minnesota, USA, Paper No: 003026.
Kacira, M., T. H. Short, and R. R. Stowell. 1999. Modeling naturally ventilated greenhouse designs for Mediterranean climates. Acta Horticulturae, 491: 113-118.
Kacira, M., P. P. Ling and T. H. Short. 1999. A review on non-contact sensing of plant water stress using infra-red thermometry for controlled environment plant production. Proc. of 7th Int. Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy Conference, Adana, Turkey: 383-388.
Kacira, M., T. H. Short and R. R. Stowell. 1999. Computational fluid dynamics as a tool for analysis of natural ventilation of a sawtooth greenhouse. Proc. 7th Int. Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy Conference, Adana, Turkey: 277-282.